New Essay: Hail the Maintainers


“Hail the maintainers” — a must read.

Innovation is overrated. “Capitalism excels at innovation but is failing at maintenance, and for most lives it is maintenance that matters more.”

* Image from original post: Workers at the Blue Plains Waste Water Treatment Plant, Washington DC.Robert Madden/National Geographic Creative

3 thoughts on “New Essay: Hail the Maintainers

  1. Pingback: Darkside of Innovation | Installing (Social) Order

  2. Pingback: Incentivizing “Repair” in Sweden | Installing (Social) Order

  3. went to see Eric Schlosser lecture on his nukes book (with most of the senior command of STRATCOM in the front row) and he was quite clear in his warning that we are great at making high tech systems and dangerously bad at maintaining them, one of many lessons we seem incapable of taking to heart, bioengineering, geoengineering, bring it on…


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